As a proud owner of a cannabis business, selling cannabis products come in different forms, such as strains, vape pens, oils, and more. However, you're concern that your choice of packaging won't protect the products from harsh conditions that can ruin the products' quality or damage during the delivery to your customers' house. Here are the six types of Package Designs recommended for cannabis products.

Plastic Rigid
It's great to store cannabis flowers and pre-roll joints or blunts in the plastic rigid. The package protects the flowers from getting crushed and increases levels of oxidation in the cannabinoids and terpenoids. It's easy to clean and allows the products longer shelf life.
Flexible Containers
Containers, such as bags, pouches, envelopes, and wraps made of paper, plastic films, or aluminum foils, can store cannabis oils, edibles, delicate flowers, and trichomes. It's excellent storage space, recyclable, and cheaper to ship the products to your customers than rigid packages.
Bags, such as the Mylar brand, can secure their cannabis products from police seizing during a traffic stop. Control the moisture in the products can prevent the quality from evaporation and pay extra expenses to replace the product with a new one. Protects the cannabis products from excess sunlight and oxygen that can degrade the quality.
Pouches are a great way to store edible flowers and dry cannabis products. It protects the freshness of its aromatic from deteriorating. The pouch is durable that prevents the package from drops or damage during the delivery to your customers.
Envelopes are a great way to store shatter, wax, and concentrates. It has a deep pocket and sticky seal that protect the product from losing its quality and freshness.
Wraps are a great way to store joints and blunts. It keeps the flavors of your customers' custom herbs from escaping and holds them together over second layer protection.
Glass Jar
It's the perfect way to store edible gummies, flowers, and concentrates. The jar protects the products from moisture and oxygen entering and grows mold and mildew. It's child-resistant that keeps the kids from access to the products, and consumes them by accident. Your customers can view the products' quality through the glass before deciding to purchase it.
Silicone Jar
These packages are great for storing concentrates, such as wax, to grab the product without struggle. The jar is non-stick storage that's easy for the consumers to get their products out. They're non-breakable that you don't have to worry about shatter pieces on the floor.
Plastic Vial
These packages are a great way to store a small amount of dry and liquid cannabis products. It's child-resistant to keep the products secure from the children's reach and access.
Tin Container
It's the perfect way to store damp and dry cannabis products. The container is recyclable, which can be reused over time to store other items. Protects the flavors and active ingredients of the cannabis product from deteriorating.
It's child-resistant that keeps the kids out of opening the products with their hands. Not only is the container child-resistant, but also pet-resistant, which keeps them from opening with their paws and teeth.
Final Thoughts
As you run your cannabis business, it's crucial to have a professional Package Handler with excellent knowledge of designing different packages, including child or pet-resistant. It's important to consider that the products you sell are secure and safe during the transportation to your customers' home addresses.